Tobogganing in all its forms: 3 different ways to enjoy our tobogganing areas and experience unforgettable moments!
From the age of 3 with a companion, or from 1.40 m solo, this is the resort’s star attraction: the Caribou rail sled.
You’ll take your place on one of the sledges, either solo or in pairs, and climb some 500m through the forest to reach the start, at an altitude of over 2,000m.
With an average gradient of 12% and a peak of 35%, there’s no doubt you’ll be giving it your all! With its hairpin bends, chicanes, twists and jumps, the Caribou rail luge is sure to leave you smiling from ear to ear!
The big advantage: you’re 100% in control of your speed. So you can reassure the little ones, make your favorite cousin scream, or just let off the brakes with your best friend!
At the top of the village of Les Claux, enjoy the freedom of the tobogganing area: shovels, classic sleds, wooden sleds or sleds with metal brakes, you name it, we’ve got it.
It’s the ideal place for your little ones to discover their first gliding sensations.
It’s 5pm and the last skiers have taken their last run of the day. The blue run from the top of the Télémix de Chabrières is just waiting for you and your metal-braked toboggan.
Once in the bubble, you climb up to the start and create your own for maximum concentration. At the top, warm-up with the resort staff, check your mandatory equipment, helmet firmly on your head and hands on the metal brakes as joysticks.
A first section of track to build up speed before negotiating your first wide bend. You’ve reached cruising speed and you’re neck and neck with your friends! The pressure’s on, because you bet on it that evening at the restaurant! The sensations are unique: between adrenalin, pure fun and mastery. The finish line is in your sights, and you’re not letting go! Verdict: you’re on the podium, bravo!
As much fun as it is, sledding is an activity that can still present risks. That’s why certain rules must be observed.
We would like to remind you that sledding is forbidden in the ski area when it is in operation, whether it is open or closed. Even in the evenings after closing time, certain slope maintenance activities can be dangerous.
We also advise you to make sure you’re properly equipped: a helmet is never too much, good winter clothing and a pair of suitable boots will enable you to toboggan in the best possible conditions.
There’s more to life than skiing! Discover a multitude of activities to vary your pleasures!